Inquiry about Products & Service

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Please fill in the items of inquiry contents below and contact us.
Mandatory items must be filled in.
Product category
Inquiry category

* Please select "Product category" above first.

Product Information (Model Name)
Product Information (Serial Number(s))
First Name
Last Name
Corporation / Private person
Company name
Organization name
Position in the company
Department / Type of business
Zip / Postal Code

Please check the item on protection of personal information below and click "confirm" button.

1. Basic Policy

Kobelco Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. and Kobelco Construction Machinery Group Companies (hereinafter collectively “Kobelco”) recognizes that all personal information provided by you, our customers and clients through their business with Kobelco must be handled and protected with the utmost care. Therefore, Kobelco will follow the basic policy stated below to fulfill its responsibility.

  1. In handling any personal information, Kobelco pledges to fully comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter the “Law”), other relevant laws and regulations, and pursuant to practices in this respect that are generally accepted as fair and reasonable. Further, Kobelco will continuously endeavors to improve handling such personal information.
  2. Kobelco will continuously update and revise rules and management systems for handling and protection of personal information and ensure compliance by its employees with such rules and systems. Further, Kobelco will ensure to appropriately supervise their trustees if any.
  3. Kobelco will use personal information only to the extent and for the purposes specified (hereinafter the “Purpose”), which will be announced or noticed to the persons to whom the information pertains.
  4. Kobelco will take necessary measures to properly manage and protect personal information to prevent it from being leaked, lost, and falsified.
  5. Kobelco through its specific office will faithfully make all efforts to promptly receive, correct, revise, delete or cease personal information in possession upon verification that the personal making the request is indeed the data subject.

2. Purposes of Use of Personal information

Kobelco may lawfully use personal information only as needed for its business performance according to its business purposes to the extent that it may require:

  • To inform and contact you about products and services that Kobelco provides or develops, and to respond to your inquiries
  • To consider business transactions and to enter into, execute, or terminate contracts
Business partners
  • To provide information and contact you regarding products and services offered by you, and to respond to your inquiries
  • To consider business transactions and to enter into, execute, or terminate contracts
Applicants for employment
  • To receive applications for employment in the recruitment activities of Kobelco
  • To communicate with applicants for employment
Retired employees
  • To keep track of retired employees
  • To communicate with retired employees
Employees of group companies, affiliated companies, and cooperative companies
  • To communicate with employees of group companies, affiliates, and cooperative companies in the course of business

3. Use of Personal Information Within Kobelco Domestic Group Companies

Kobelco may share the following personal Information with any of Kobelco Domestic Group Companies:

Items of personal Information to be shared Name, information related to affiliation (company, department, position, etc.), address, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, product purchase history, and other items related to business contact information.
Scope of joint use
  • Kobelco Construction Machinery Domestic Group Companies
  • Kobe Steel, Ltd.
  • Other companies working together with Kobelco in relation to sales, service, rental and other operations
Purpose of joint use The same purposes of “2. Purposes of Use of Personal information”
Name, address, and representative of the party responsible for management of personal Information Kobelco Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.
For the address, please click here.
For the name of the representative, please click here.

4. Disclosure to Third Party

Kobelco will not disclose personal information to any third party except for use of personal information within Kobelco Construction Machinery Domestic Group Companies or to its trustees stated above and except in the following cases:

  1. When person’s approval is granted beforehand;
  2. When the disclosure is in a statistical form which does not identify person;
  3. When the disclosure is required by applicable laws and ordinances. Also, we may disclose your personal information to respond to subpoenas, and court orders;
  4. When the disclosure is necessary to protect human life, human body and personal property, while it is difficult to obtain person’s agreement to disclose his or her personal information; or
  5. When the disclosure of personal information is necessary to support a public operation of the national government or the municipality that person’s refusal to allow the disclosure of personal information would limit the accomplishment of such operation.

5. Management on Website

Kobelco will protect personal information from being divulged or falsified, and take all the measures promptly in case of emergency.

  1. Security
    Kobelco uses the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) on its website as a measure to protect personal information. The SSL is a technology to encipher the information transmitted to the Internet and prevent the leakage of such information to the third party. The website pages handling personal information are supported by SSL. Please make sure that “http://” of the URL has been changed to “https://”.
  2. Use of Cookie
    Cookie may be used to ensure safety and provide appropriate information to you.
    Cookie is a piece of information transmitted from Kobelco’s web server to the web browser and may be stored on your computer hard disk or other memory device. Cookie itself does not contain any information to help Kobelco identify an individual person. You can decide whether to accept or block Cookie by setting your web browser. However, if you choose not to accept Cookie, you may not be able to use some services provided on the website managed by Kobelco.
  3. Browsing Records
    If you visit the website operated by Kobelco, information about your access to the website is stored on the web server. This information may not be used for any purpose other than taking statistics including the frequency of your access.
  4. Use of Google Analytics
    Kobelco uses Google Analytics, a web analytics tool provided by Google Inc. to view how you interact with and use this website. Google Analytics collects data by using Cookie without identifying you individually. For further information related to Google Analytics, please refer to “Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service” of Google Inc.

6. Disclosure

In case you wish to disclose your personal information Kobelco has collected to you, you can request us with the information to identify yourself. Kobelco will reply you within reasonable data and time flame after we confirmed the request has been made by surely yourself.

7. Correction, Deletion, etc.

In case you wish to correct, add or delete your personal information Kobelco collected, you can request us.
Kobelco will correct, add or delete them if there are not true, within reasonable data and time flame after we confirmed the request has been made by surely yourself.

8. Suspension of Use, Elimination and Suspension of Provision to third parties

You can request to cease the use or eliminate personal information. If such a request is made, Kobelco will confirm the identity of the requestor and cease the use, eliminate or stop the provision to third parties of your personal information in possession of Kobelco to a reasonable extent and in a reasonable period of time.
Please note that if part or all of your personal information becomes unavailable to us, we may not be able to provide satisfying service. Your kind understanding and cooperation will be appreciated. (There may be cases that we are not able to answer your request to suspend our use, to delete or to stop the provision to third parties of the personal information, if the personal information were managed in accordance with the related laws and regulations.)

9. Security Control Action

Kobelco implements the following security control action with respect to personal information.

Formulation of Basic Policy KOBELCO has developed a "Privacy Policy" for handling personal information properly.
Establishment of discipline in the handling of personal information Kobelco develops and implements company regulations, manuals, etc. for the handling of personal information.
Organizational Safety Control Measures Kobelco assigns a person in charge for handling personal information, as well as managing and monitoring a ledger of personal information.
Personnel Safety Control Measures Kobelco provides regular training to its employees on the handling of personal information.
Physical Security Control Measures Kobelco controls access to the building or floor, lock and store documents, and restrict the taking out of electronic media.
Technical security control measures Kobelco manages entry and exit of buildings or floors, lock and store documents, and restrict the removal of electronic media.
Understanding the external environment Kobelco confirms the systems for the protection of personal information in the countries and regions where personal information is stored, and implements safety control measures, etc.

10. Others

11. Contacts

Inquiries in relation to any of your requirements mentioned in above Sections 6, 7 and 8 concerning your personal information handled by Kobelco as well as your inquiries related to other personal information is to be sent to the contact address stated below.

Contact for inquiries
Your inquires will be accepted by the contact for inquiries where you have been notified Kobelco at the time you provided your personal information, or by the person in charge if you have an account with Kobelco. You will be informed of details of the method of confirmation of your identity and the fee at the time you contact them. Please contact the following reference desk if you are uncertain about where to contact.

Reference for contact information:
Kobelco Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.
Corporate Planning & Administration Dept.
Corporate Communication Gr.
Phone: (03) 5789-2112
Fax: (03) 5789-2132
Inquiry in email form

Created: April 1,2016
Revised: May 17, 2022
Akira Yamamoto
Representative Director & President
Kobelco Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.

In this Privacy Policy, "Kobelco Construction Machinery Domestic Group Companies" means the following companies :

Kobelco Construction Machinery Japan Co., Ltd.
Kobelco Construction Machinery Engineering Co., Ltd.
Kobelco Training Services Co., Ltd.
Yutani Service Supply Co., Ltd.

For more information, please click here.

Kobelco Construction Machinery Total Support Co., Ltd.

For more information, please click here. We apologize for the inconvenience, but the information will be provided in Japanese only.

In this Privacy Policy, "Kobelco Construction Machinery Group Companies" means Kobelco Construction Machinery Domestic Group Companies and the following companies:

Kobelco Construction Machinery (China) Co., Ltd. (China)
Chengdu Kobelco Construction Machinery Financial Leasing Ltd. (China)
Hangzhou Kobelco Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. (China)
Kobelco Construction Machinery Southeast Asia Co., Ltd. (Thailand)
Kobelco International (S) Co., Pte. Ltd. (Singapore)
Ricon Private Ltd. (Singapore)
PT. Daya Kobelco Construction Machinery Indonesia (Indonesia)
Kobelco Construction Machinery Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. (Malaysia)
Kobelco Construction Equipment India Pvt. Ltd. (India)
Kobelco Construction Machinery Australia Pty. Ltd. (Australia)
Kobelco Construction Machinery Middle East & Africa Fzco. (U.A.E)
Kobelco Construction Machinery U.S.A. Inc. (U.S.A)
Kobelco Construction Machinery Europe B.V. (Netherlands)